Quattro Fund Managers


Quattro Fund Managers manages three risk-profiled unit trusts and one flexible unit trust for clients who wish to have an actively managed investment solution. QFM has partnered with Analytics Consulting (Pty) Ltd, who provide the advice and research upon which all decisions are made. The unit trusts are managed daily and are comprehensively reviewed every three months.

For cash investors, we provide superior interest returns through our Corporate Cash Management system. The cash is held by Investec Retail Treasury.

Quattro Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd is registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) as a financial services provider (FSP No 19884).

Our Investment Philosophy

At Quattro, to achieve growth over the long-term we focus on high quality assets that have demonstrated consistency and have positive prospects. We manage risk through diversification and investment in assets when they offer value.
Unpacking our Investment Philosophy
  • Long-term: Quattro seeks returns over the long-term.
  • High quality assets: High conviction of solid and proven assets with pedigree.
  • Positive prospects: This is where the global macro view comes in and the sustainability and future attractiveness of the sector and market is assessed.
  • Manage risk: A risk adjusted approach is adopted.
  • Diversification: Mitigating risk by investing in instruments and sectors that would behave differently if faced with the same event.
  • When they offer value in the market: The Quattro investment philosophy is strongly driven by valuations. Through research and analytics, Quattro seeks to determine the asset’s true and real value (without the influence of sentiment) and invests when the asset is at fair value, or even undervalued.

Quattro Fund Managers

Cautious Fund

The latest Cautious Fund Information

Quattro Fund Managers

Moderate Fund

The latest Moderate Fund Information

Quattro Fund Managers

Growth Fund

The latest Growth Fund Information

Quattro Fund Managers

Flexible Fund

The latest Flexible Fund Information



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