Entrepreneurs Breakfast

Join us for our next breakfast where we cover all topics relating to a healthy Business for you and your future

Topics to be Covered

Topics covered will include:
  1. Business and Personal Planning: What's the difference and why do you need both?
  2. Business Protection
  • Buy and Sell Agreements
  • Contingent Liability Agreements
  • Covering your Key Man
  • Staff Retention Plans
  • Your Exit Strategy
    1. Is your business 'sellable'?


    Registration from 07:00 to 07:30
    Breakfast at 07:30
    Start at 08:00
    Finish at 09:30

    Interested in Attending?

    Please fill out your registration below and pay for your seat using the Zapper QR alongside.
    Your Registration will be confirmed once payment has been received.
    Entrepreneurs Breakfast

    Cost per ticket


    • Pay via Zapper
    • Please use your Full Name/s and Breakfast as the Reference.
    Breakfast Included