Quattro News

July 26, 2024

Forex Market Report

26 JULY 2024 Good morning   Good luck to all the Olympians representing South Africa in Paris (and Tahiti) over the next 17 days!!!  The good news is that early action has seen our 7’s rugby side beat the Kiwi’s in a knockout game last night and we are through […]
June 11, 2024

Stay Invested

Don’t Allow Emotion or Sentiment to Derail your Investment Strategy The market is predictable in its unpredictability, and it is certain to go through negative periods. However, anticipating exactly when these negative periods will occur is nearly impossible. Attempting to time when to be in the market (invested) and when […]
June 3, 2024

What is Gap Cover? How Does It Work and Why Do You Need It?

What is Gap Cover? How Does It Work and Why Do You Need It? Gap Cover was created to cover the “gap” between what a Medical Scheme pays and what you are responsible for paying for approved hospital admissions. Depending on what Medical Scheme and Option you are on, your […]
April 22, 2024

Cut, Paste & Save: Arts & Crafts for Teaching Kids to Budget

Make Learning About Money Exciting for Kids Financial literacy is shockingly low among today’s youth. Recent studies show that only 24% of millennials demonstrate basic financial knowledge. This lack of understanding creates problems down the road. However, we can raise financially savvy kids by starting early and making lessons engaging. […]
May 17, 2018

The deadline for workers compensation return of earnings is here!

Take note that the deadline for submission for your Return of Earnings (ROE) for 2018 is 31 May 2018 The amount is determined by calculating the amount of earnings paid by an employer to the employees, from the 1st March 2017 up to and including 28 February 2018. If you […]
February 21, 2020

Market News

Herewith the latest market information: Prime : 9.75% Gold (US$ per ounce) : 1 616.88 (+13.18) Brent Crude (US$ per barrel) : 59.31 (+0.19) Dow Jones : 29 219.00 (-0.44%) JSE Alsi : 57 793.00 (-0.26%) ZAR/US$ : 15.13 (-0.14) ZAR / Euro : 16.32 (-0.14) ZAR / GBP : […]
March 4, 2020

Market News

Herewith the latest market information: Prime : 9.75% Gold (US$ per ounce) : 1 606.09 (+6.88) Brent Crude (US$ per barrel) : 53.29 (+2.46) Dow Jones : 25 917.00 (-2.92%) JSE Alsi : 52 957.00 (+2.16%) ZAR/US$ : 15.37 (+0.27) ZAR / Euro : 17.14 (+0.27) ZAR / GBP : […]
August 6, 2020

Coffee with Quattro: Your Value System dictates your behaviour

Coffee with Quattro Your Values System dictates your behaviour… And it changes faster and easier than you think.   Have you ever been shopping and all you need is just one thing but when you’re done you have bags full of stuff?  Your Values System changes when you enter the […]
August 13, 2020

Confused about your tax? SARS Auto Assessment 2020

Confused about your tax? SARS Auto Assessment 2020 Confused about SARS’s Auto Assessment? Have you heard the adverts and are you expecting a SMS? At Quattro Finance and Legal, we make tax easy. Speak to your Quattro Advisor today or call Quattro Finance and Legal on 031 242 5100 for […]
August 20, 2020

Coffee with Quattro: Some people succeed in their lives and some people fail

Coffee with Quattro Some people succeed in their lives and some people fail. Have you ever thought about why?   Some people spend their time searching for reasons to justify their failures, whilst others spend their time searching for ways to succeed. All these people share the same environment, they […]
August 28, 2020

Coffee with Quattro: They say, “success is when preparation and opportunity meet”

Coffee with Quattro They say, “success is when preparation and opportunity meet”.   We would add that, “success is when preparation and opportunity meet”, and you take action. Preparation is about constantly doing what you do, mastering your craft and bettering yourself to be the best at what you do. […]
December 23, 2020

Coffee with Quattro: A new beginning or another tomorrow? So, the big question is, “what will be different next year?”

Coffee with Quattro A new beginning or another tomorrow? So, the big question is, “what will be different next year?” The year is almost behind us and so far, we have made it. As the New Year approaches, we can feel the anticipation of kissing 2020 goodbye and welcoming “a new […]
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