Some people spend their time searching for reasons to justify their failures, whilst others spend their time searching for ways to succeed.
All these people share the same environment, they all live on the same planet, inhabited with the same people.
It is their “perspective” that differs; it is how they choose to see the world.
Everything is about choice. Choose what you read, choose what you eat, choose what you learn, choose what you believe in, choose who to listen to, and choose who you want to spend time with.
Choose the things that nourish you and discard all that poisons you.
Stop worrying about all the things you cannot control; it will not change a thing except your happiness.
Start working on the things you can control and if you cannot do it alone seek council from wise people you respect, who have a good value system that you believe in.
Become proactive and stop procrastinating – if you lose momentum you will regress.
Each time one person fails another person takes up their opportunity, which person do you choose to be?
Love your life, live your life, we are only given one here on earth.